Installation shot, 2015, Plattform 15, EWZ Unterwerk Zürich, group show

2015, Full HD, color, sound, 01:00:00 loop

Single channel video installation
Projector, speakers, loop
500 x 400 x 300 cm

The video installation consists of a 60-minute video recording of passing cloudscapes, which are projected into a corner using a projector. A computer voice can be heard reciting phrases at regular intervals over two small loudspeakers. The voice is computer-generated, the “poem” consists of set pieces from an explanatory model for the framework conditions and effects of cloud computing and refers to the technical language of computer science, which uses familiar terms and images to make abstract systems tangible.

1/3 video still,, 2015

2/3 video still,, 2015

3/3 video still,, 2015

Installation scetch

Reference model for cloud computing
